
123 Pest Control Brisbane is a website owned and run by (123 Pest Control Brisbane) which is duly registered and operates in Australia. Our official website address is www.diypestcontrolbrisbane.com.

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy states that any information that you submit to 123 Pest Control Brisbane while using this website will be protected at all times. We are committed to ensure that your privacy is protected at all times as you use this website. Often times we shall ask you to provide personal information for the purpose of swift service delivery and better customer experience. Should we ask you to provide any information for identity or registration purposes while using this website, we assure you that it shall only be used as stated in this document.

Information we collect

We may collect your name and email is you choose to contact us.

Purpose of Collected information

We require you to provide information which may be used for;
– Record Keeping- Feedback, as to improve the quality of service delivery.- Updates on new products or services which may be interest or beneficial to you.- Market research in order to provide you with a better customer experience.

123 Pest Control Brisbane does not as for sensitive information such as credit card or bank account number as no payments are made on or via this website.


We are aware that personal data can be very sensitive and thus committed to ensure the information you provide to us is safeguarded by put on in place strict electronic as well as physical measures to ensure that all these measures are well covered.

With everyday inventions and innovations (123 Pest Control Brisbane) is bound to periodically update this policy in order to accommodate any changes. We therefore advice that you check this website every so often to ensure that you are comfortable with the changes made on any the terms of use.


Cookies are files which with your permission can be placed on your PC’s hard disk in order to monitor web traffic on a particular site so as to identify and respond to you as an individual. This in turn helps to identify your likes, dislikes as well as needs by storing information based on your preferences.We only use cookies to aid in identifying which pages are being used in order to deliver services and web experience that suit you, after which this data is removed. Cookies are automatically accepted by most web browsers but you may customize your settings to deny cookies any access although may limit your web experience.

External Links

Our website may include links to other related websites, this is done to give the user maximum informational gain on what they seek. However, when you use these links to access external websites, note that we have no control of that website as they are not bound by these terms of use. Hence we cannot be able to guarantee your security on any information you provide while visiting these websites.

Contact Us

DIY Pest Control Brisbane

Address:  9/167 Eagle St, Brisbane City QLD 4000

Phone: (07) 3907 3718

Email: info@diypestcontrolbrisbane.com

Website: http://diypestcontrolbrisbane.com